Those that work the (established ) system are followers. Those that change the system are leaders.
11:46 AM Sep 16th from mobile web
Are you following or leading?
11:47 AM Sep 16th from mobile web
Romance is dead and women killed it!
10:03 PM Sep 24th from web
There is always something to complain about for women. Either he doesn't say "I Love You" ever, or he says it too soon for her to handle.
10:14 PM Sep 24th from web
One woman went so far as to complain about the gestures men make to inspire her to Love. So much for Romance.
10:16 PM Sep 24th from web
So why do I think Romance is a goner? Well lets look at the reason men invented it. Men don't need it anymore to get some.
10:17 PM Sep 24th from web
There are women aplenty that don't give a shit about Love and relationships and only want to get the deed done.
10:19 PM Sep 24th from web
Men are no longer motivated to do anything special. They know if one plays to hard to get, he has 100 other numbers to call.
10:20 PM Sep 24th from web
Women decided they were going to be as bad as men, and they have succeeded!
10:22 PM Sep 24th from web
Congratulations ladies!
10:27 PM Sep 24th from web
Heads up ladies, if u really looking to be the Equal of men, don't go about it trying 2 be as Bad as us. Try being as much a leader instead
10:30 PM Sep 24th from web
Ladies need to stop complaining about what men don't do and start doing it themselves.
10:33 PM Sep 24th from web
And next time a man reaches out to you, give yourself the opportunity to have at least one real conversation b4 writing him off.
10:36 PM Sep 24th from web
Some of you ladies need to understand that men who really want to respect you are not gonna try to bag you the first night.
10:41 PM Sep 24th from web
These same men will gladly do so if you make it clear thats what you really want.
10:43 PM Sep 24th from web
The problem with many women though is that they are unwilling to be honest with themselves and men about sex.
10:47 PM Sep 24th from web
So ladies, if you want to have sex like men, don't complain about the lack of Romance. Men don't need flowers to get the job done.
10:51 PM Sep 24th from web
Here are two choices. Which one would you choose? A small bowl of extraordinary delicious food at $100 a serving or a full plate of ...cont-
6:52 PM Sep 26th from web
ordinary humble good food for $10 at the all you can eat buffet?
6:53 PM Sep 26th from web
So I read a tweet where a woman said she would rather have a slice of a great man then the whole of an ordinary one.
6:54 PM Sep 26th from web
She sounds like mistress material to me.
6:55 PM Sep 26th from web
When did being an ordinary good man become a bad thing? Why is it we all have to strive to be rockstars to be deserving of a woman's Love?
6:58 PM Sep 26th from web
Btw, someone who cares to take the time can take ordinary ingredients and turn them into something extraordinary. Love does wonders.
7:02 PM Sep 26th from web
What is important is having the right basics already in place. You have to have a good foundation of ingredients.
7:06 PM Sep 26th from web
Love cannot be owned, only shared.
12:30 PM Sep 27th from mobile web
When you don't take time to reflect your vulnerable to accepting B.S. as wisdom. Set aside time.
12:39 PM Sep 27th from mobile web
Everyone keeps repeating "never make some1 a Priority when ur jus their Option." I disagree. You cant keep everyone an Option 4ever.
12:10 AM Sep 28th from web
Eventually someone has to make a decision to make one of their options a priority and place a bet that the decision will be reciprocated.
12:11 AM Sep 28th from web
If its not reciprocated, so be it, but at least you have grown as a person in the attempt.
12:13 AM Sep 28th from web
It would be fantastic if the person you loved met you half way, but it does not seem to work that way.
12:14 AM Sep 28th from web
The thing is, once you've reached out and made clear how you feel, let them go. You can't make someone return feelings.
12:19 AM Sep 28th from web
What should have been said, "there is a limit to how long you make someone a priority while they keep you as an option."
12:31 AM Sep 28th from web
The history of courtship (as shown in literature and film) has been of 1 woman pursued by numerous men. Eventually the best man wins her <3.
12:37 AM Sep 28th from web
What has changed is the fact that men are less inclined to pursue women, since women give away their prized possession long b4 marriage.
12:41 AM Sep 28th from web
Double standard? Yes, it is. Romance and Chivalry come with a history and a price- a set of rules of how a woman should act.
12:45 AM Sep 28th from web
This reminds me of a couple of articles I read recently on women and happiness.
12:50 AM Sep 28th from web
The first article I read said that in general, women today are less happy then they were a few decades ago.
12:51 AM Sep 28th from web
Afterward I was left with the impression that perhaps it had something to do with women's growing Equality.
12:53 AM Sep 28th from web
Interestingly enough, another article came out in regards to feminist women and how very happy they are in general. Hmmm.
12:54 AM Sep 28th from web
So if feminist women are generally very happy, but women in general are less happy then they were decades ago, then what gives?
12:55 AM Sep 28th from web
I'm still thinking it has something to do with the move towards more Equality for women.
12:56 AM Sep 28th from web
I'm thinking that if feminist women are generally very happy and in stable relationships, then the problem must be with non-feminist.
12:58 AM Sep 28th from web
My theory is that the happiness factor is lower among women who do not want to accept Equality and the loss of perks that results.
1:04 AM Sep 28th from web
Too many women are deluding themselves into thinking that by having as much sex as men they are proving themselves the equal of men. smh
1:14 AM Sep 28th from web
Demonstrating Leadership is the only way for women to show they are equals. Duplicating men's hijinks just makes women look foolish.
1:20 AM Sep 28th from web
I repeat, Ladies, you must be willing & able to lead at every stage of a relationship or you are as lame as the men you complain about.
1:22 AM Sep 28th from web
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